Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Weekend in Review........

LOTS of yard sales this weekend! I hope everyone found an abundance of cool stuff. On Friday, I was at dd's house and we hit a few sales in her area (she lives in a bordering county and their sales aren't usually as good as ours). The first sale was an older lady who said they were having the sale for some folks how had died. Most of the stuff didn't have prices on it.......GRRR! I really dislike this kind of sale as it's so hard to tell what "ballpark" people are expecting when they say "Make an Offer". At any rate, we found a true mish mosh of stuff.

This old baby scale called to me. I thought she might be asking a lot since it is obviously old but I got it for $3. I'm going to try and do a little research on it later. I wonder how many babies were weighed on it?

This old hen picture was at the same sale. Obviously someone's artwork on wood. I thought it was cute and it fits in with my country decor. A cute accessory for 50 cents :)

Not pictured are a couple of plain grapevine wreaths (50 cents each) and I got a nice pair of leather hiking boots that look barely worn for $1. DD got a pair of Adidas shorts for 50 cents. I'll post the grapevine wreaths when I turn them into something a little more exciting.

Up and at 'em early on Saturday morning. DD arrived at 6:45 and we were off and running. One sale advertised a filing cabinet and dh needed one for his office so we were there when she opened her sale. She's moving and needed to get rid of a bunch of stuff. DH got the filing cabinet for $5 and it's an older heavier model. DD scored a nice little cooler for a $1 and a few other odds and ends. I found 2 new Haagen Dazs travel coffee mugs for 25 cents each (much needed here as some of ours need to be tossed). Upon opening them up today, I found a coupon for a free pint of Haagen Dazs in one (good up to $4.25). Score!

On a less practical note.........

A little hard to tell from the picture but this a table set with cute snowmen on them. The seller said she made them. Included are a table runner, 4 napkins and 4 coasters. All for the grand total of 50 cents.

On the same street were 3 Amish ladies having a sale together. REALLY cheap prices at these (my kind of sale). DD found a nice locking diaper pail for 75 cents and a Tupperware divided kid's bowl with lid for 10 cents. Also a cute older farm toy for 10 cents. I'll have to get her to send me a picture of it later. A couple of my exciting finds:

How cute is this tray? For 50 cents, the cuteness factor went way up for me. I'm not sure what I will use it for yet but when did that ever matter?

This little guy was just begging to go home with me. And for 50 cents, I obliged his wishes. Good thing he has wheels so he can get away from that crow! LOLWe hit a jackpot of fabric napkins at the Amish ladies. The top row still have tags from Kohl's (at $2.99 each) and I paid 10 cents each! The placemats also still have tags (at $4.99 each) and I paid 50 cents for the set. There were actually 2 sets and I sent one home with DD. They'll be cute for summer with the bright colors. The bottom row of napkins were from another sale and I paid 50 cents for the plaid set and 10 cents for the single green one. I'll use the bright colored ones at dd's baby shower and the plaid set I'll probably put in our camper as it matches the "cabin" decor I have there.

A couple of other treasures:

This cute pillow will go well with my patriotic decorations. The 75 cent price tag goes well with my budget!

This cool old crate was a good deal at 50 cents. It will probably go outside with some potted flowers sitting on it.

How cute are these fabrics? I couldn't resist adding them to my fabric stash. Since they're very "kid" themed, I'll probably use them to make stuff for our grandchild when he or she arrives. We find out if we're getting a grandson or granddaughter on June 2nd! Both pieces are 3 yards each and I paid $1 for each piece. Another craft booklet to add to my collection. I paid 10 cents for it and it has a $10.95 price tag! I collect snowmen so will give me some more things to make (as if I needed any more ideas!).

Another BIG find of the day was a Step 2 kiddie slide. It's the big one with the little "fort" underneath. It comes apart and was in perfect condtion (not even sun faded!). They were asking $40 for it and I got it for $30. The lady said she paid $140 for it! We'll store it for now and I'm sure it will get a lot of use later! A few baby clothes along the way including some hats and a cute "My First St. Pats' Day" onesie! What baby would be complete without one of those?? LOL

Also dh found "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" on dvd (one of his favorite movies), and several books including "Politically Correct Bedtime Stories", "Politically Correct Christmas Stories", and"Everyone's Guide to Composting" for 25 cents each.

Another sale yielded a bunch of FREE paint and other household "stuff". I got 6 cans of Rustoleum spray paint of which 3 of them are the textured type, 1 is for plastic, and the other 2 are "decorator" type. All are full or very close to full. DD got some Goo Gone and and a few other things. Turns out the couple having the sale have sold their house and are moving to Arizona. The moving company won't take any chemicals and they don't want to haul them in their car so they were giving them away. DH bought some shelving and DD found a pretzel containers of little plastic tools and a 20lb gas cylinder they needed for their grill.

As I said it was a great yard sale weekend! Thanks for stopping by and sharing my treasures!



Determined! said...

Wow Deb! I can't believe those prices - and so many of the goods are new! I especially love that fabric with the map on it - how cool!

Mrs. GV said...

Lots of great deals, Deb. I love hearing about others' yard sale bargains!

Xiao said...


wanna sell that chicken painting to your good pal with chickens?


GREAT deals, loved the tray too...

Val, hiding out as Emma's ID :)