Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday finds...........

Lots and lots of yard and garage sales this Saturday. I didn't get out as early as I had planned (went to bed too late the night before) so all the sales were in full swing by the time we got to them. Dh went along (he usually does) so we did a quick stop for cash and a pastry and drink at WaWa and we were on our way.

First stop was in the next little town down the road from us (a budding metropolis compared to our town! ha ha). They had stuff on the driveway, lawn, and in the garage. Lots of tools, Christmas and holiday stuff, some clothes, and other odds and ends. Pretty good prices too :)

Who could resist this lovely little group? Six of the characters from Rudolph's Island of Misfit Toys. These will go to DD who LOVES that movie. Most still have their $6 price tags from CVS. I'm sure that is the reason we didn't buy them when they came out in 1998! I paid 50 cents each (a LOT better to my liking). I think I have a couple of others in my Christmas stash so perhaps between now and Christmas, we can complete the set for her :)

From the same sale. A lovely Christmas tablecloth for 50 cents. Those snowmen make me smile :)

Another sale was one of those "perpetual" sales that is mostly junk and overpriced. Once we realized it, I made a mental note to ignore that address when looking in the paper or on Craigslist in the future! Of course "mental" notes don't always stick :P Why is that ??? LOL

The next stop was a "big" development sale. These are all big new homes so I wasn't expecting a lot. Good thing as all but one house had little bits of overpriced crap.
Borrowing a line from my idol , they were very proud of their stuff! LOL One house was a nice younger couple who had obviously been to a yard sale before. There I found:

Hard to tell from the picture, but it's a set of 2 placemats and napkins. Perfect for dd's decor so they are going to her. 50 cents for the whole kind of price!

I'm not sure I like the print but the frame is very nice for 75 cents. When I turned it over on the back.................

It's from Pier One........part of a "fruit series" and retailed for $15. I like 75 cents better.

From the same sale.....cute start cut-out wooden box. I'm going to use it as a candle holder with one of those battery operated candles. I have several left over from dd's wedding last year. I paid 25 cents for this. I had to chuckle when I turned it up to check the price...........

I guess no one wanted to pay $10.....hmmm....wonder why? Someone did pay $3.50 apparently. I like 25 cents much better!

DH bought 2 dvd's at the same house............"Troy" and "The Fifth Element". He paid $2 each but they were brand new (still shrink wrapped) so I guess that was okay :)

Several group Amish sales this Saturday. These are good for the tasty food if nothing else! At one I found:

It's some kind of hunting bag. It's a name brand of camo and looks brand new so for $1, I knew either DSIL could use it or he and DD could fight over it (she would like it as a purse). Well worth a $1 just to see which one of them ends up with it :) And for a complete change of pace:

This was at the same table as the camo bag. A very pretty ladies handkerchief. Doesn't appear to be vintage but I like it anyway and it was a dime :)

I've been on the lookout for pretty cloth napkins to use to line serving plates and such at dd's baby shower in August. There are 3 of the plaid type and the other 2 are Pfaltzgraff. I paid 50 cents for each "set"

Off to the next big Amish group sale. This one was all about the food......chicken bbq, homemade cheese, homemade soft pretzels, homemade root beer, etc. We took advantage of several of those offerings (it was past lunch time by this point). A couple of bargains as well:

A Pottery Barn shower curtain (new in package) for 50 cents. I don't give a hoot about the Pottery Barn name. However, it has metal grommets (which are the only shower curtains I will buy) and dh said he needed a new one for his shower. This one is clear (which is good for more light in a smaller bathroom) and says "Morning Thoughts" on it. I don't think dh has too many thoughts in the morning (he's so not a morning person....LOL) but maybe this will inspire him. The price inspired me...........especially when I turned it over and saw the original price

A little hard to read but it was $19! I don't think so!

A few other odds and ends here and there. DH found a couple of tools and I found a couple other little decoratve items. I think this might have been the best dime I spent all day..........
I think most of us need to do more of this :)

I hope everyone found lots of goodies yesterday!



Howie&Karin said...

Those were some really good bargains!!

Sonya --Dime Store Thrift said...

OH! Love all the finds, but the Misfit toys made me TINGLE! What a score.